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有聽到嗎? Can you hear me? 有 Yes 今天下雨天嗎 Is it rainny today? 沒有 Nope 很好你還活著 Good, you are still alive 唸 Read Fa La Do 看我幹嘛看他 Why do you look at me? At him! Fa La Do 三 四 Fa La Do 3 4 Fa La Do 好,行 Okay good Fa La Do,就La阿 Fa La Do, it is La 對對對 Yap, yap 私奔到月球請準備 Please prepare the song ‘Eloping to the Moon’ 你們兩個想私奔阿 You two want to elope together? 一直不看我然後靠那麼近 You keep ignoring me, yet stay so close to me 現在我要求全班加快版挑戰一次 Now I ask everyone to challenge the accelerated version 一二 一二三四 1,2, 1,2,3,4 其實妳是個心狠又手辣的小偷 Actually, you are a ruthless thief 我一開始在設計教材最大一個部分就是 When I first started my design on the course materials, my main focus was on 如何讓學生對於聽音樂有興趣 How to make my students interested in music 他身邊有電影音樂 There is music from movies around them, 他身邊有電視音樂 And there is music from TVs around them 這些音樂它中間有趣的點是什麼 Find out what elements are within the music that interest them the most 然後再用相關的連結去找他喜歡的音樂 And then use those elements to find their favorite music 我覺得那個是最重要的第一步 I think that is the most important first step 七八九我們私奔到月球 7,8,9, let’s elope to the moon 改作文很可怕 Revising students’ compositions is a terrifying job 我當級任老師這麼多年來 I have been a teacher for so many years, 沒有一年把作文改完過 And yet never finish the work of revising those children’s compositions 我都是偷偷把作文放在家裡面不敢發下去 I always secretly hide them at home, being afraid to return them to the kids 小孩不會來找你要? They don’t come and ask for them? 他們都很健忘 They are usually very forgetful 因為我剛好遇見你 Because I met you 留下足跡才美麗 It’s beautiful to leave the footprint 風吹花落淚如雨 The wind blows down the flowers and the tears go down like the rain 因為不想分離 Because we don’t want to say goodbye 因為剛好遇見你 Because I met you 留下十年的期許 We made a 10-year promise 如果再相遇 If we meet again 我想我會記得你 I think I will remember you 全班加一分 I give the whole class one extra point 謝謝老師 Thank you, teacher 好的再加一分 Okay, one more point for you 好玩 Funny 只不過要走太多樓梯了 However, there are too many stairs on the way to the music classroom 聯考分數我大概是算了一下自己的總分 I calculated my total score for the entrance examination 大概在公立的邊緣 Probably at the border of going to a public college 那我爸媽就已經又放話說 Then my parents told me that 你沒有公立讀就去 If I can’t study at a public college, 就去工地做工人吧 I have to do drudgery 我就算了一下 I calculated for a while 我發現花蓮最遠就去讀花蓮 I realized that Hualien is the farest place from home 我就可以不被爸媽煩這樣子 So I chose Hualien to get away from my parents 我們沒有貝斯手 We didn’t have a bassist, 然後那時候就矛頭就 So we redirect our focus to something else 看到了蔡牧恭 And we saw MoonDog Tsai 就覺得學弟很怪 I felt that he is weird 因為叫他買貝斯他就買阿 Because I asked him to buy a bass, and he really bought it 然後我們就組了學校第一個的 And then we formed the first band 一個樂團 At our college 那個時候就只是單純這樣 At that time, it was just as simple as that 然後就沒有想到他 Then, I never thought that 對這個很有興趣 He was very interested in playing bass, 然後也真的花很多時間練 And he spent a lot of time practicing it 我大學告白的人全部都失敗了 I failed on all my confessions to those in my college years 但是那些人全部都跑去跟許毅告白 However, they all went to Sid Hsu for their confessions, 然後許毅都全部拒絕他們 And Sid refused all of them 所以說許毅是我的什麼人 So Sid Hsu is the most important person to me 一直到現在我們大學畢業 Since our graduation from college 我已經畢業二十年了 It’s been 20 years 牧恭即將也要二十年了 It’s almost 20 years for MoonDog as well 那我們都還是在 Even now, we are still 都會回去講說Talking about that 那四年過得很精彩 What a splendid life we had in college 如果沒有那個時候 If we didn’t spend the time 花下去的那個時間 In the guitar club at that time 可能我跟牧恭現在也不會走在音樂這條路上 Perhaps MoonDog and I would not have walked on the pass of music 因為我們吉他社那麼多人也只有 Our guitar club had so many people 也只剩我們兩個 But only two of us 還有另外一個學妹還在音樂界 And the other junior are still in the musical field 其他的人都是回到 Others are all 老師的這個職業這樣 Back to teaching 我六點鐘我們家貓咪就叫我起床了 My cats always wake me up at 6 o’clock in the morning 所以你們貓咪會進房間的 Thus, your cats are allowed in the bedroom? 妳要現在穿呀 You want to wear it now? 會不會太熱了 Isn’t it too hot? 她的名字是陶淵明的詩 Her name is from a poem of Yuanming Tao’s 陶淵明的詩 The poems of Yuanming Tao 是我想的 It’s my idea 她取的 She picked that 結廬在人境,而無車馬喧 I locate my hut in the secular, Yet you hear not traffic uproar. 境軒 可是因為那個而無車馬 Because of the ‘not traffic uproar’ 喔,我想一下 Oh, let me think 人境,同個境嘛 對不對 ‘My hut…’ It’s the same word, right? 一模一樣,對 Right, the same 所以很多人以為軒是那個草字頭的萱 So many people think ‘軒’ is that ‘萱’ 其實是車干軒 Actually is ‘車’,’干’,’軒’ 阿他就不要吃啊 Ah, he doesn’t want to eat 他很堅持他現在不要吃啊 He insists that he doesn’t want to eat now 一個人都可以當兩個人用 One person must play the role of mom and dad simultaneously 就是你知道一個人出去 If one goes out 我們另外一個人就是要負責 The other person must take the responsibility to 去處理小孩子整理家務阿 Take care of the children and clean up home 他只差在他不煮飯而已啦 The only thing he doesn’t do is cooking 不然的話就是都可以阿 Otherwise, he can do anything 就是洗衣服折衣服阿他都可以做 Like doing laundry and folding clothes 牠看他今天這樣好可愛 It looks so cute today 來,我們啾一個 Come on, give me a kiss 他問我一個問題是說 He asked me a question that 妳有沒有想過妳以後 Have you ever thought about 大學畢業後要做什麼嗎 What do you want to do after graduation 我就想說 I thought that 我們唸師院的就是都是要當老師阿 We are supposed to be teachers coming out from Normal University 所以我當然就跟他說沒有就當老師 So I answered I would be a teacher 我回答說我就想當老師的時候 When I responded to him 我感覺得出來他很失望 I could feel that he was disappointed 而且我也很難過 And I felt sad also 因為我會很緊張說 Because I was nervous and thought that 你這樣問是不是代表 When you ask me like this 你有別的想法 Does it mean you have other ideas? 那我一直在抱持著說懷疑說 Then I kept wondering that 到底除了當老師還可以做什麼 What else to do in addition to being a teacher? 那我們現在就來聽聽看 Let’s listen to the performance 雞腿飯他們的表演吧 Of ‘Chicken Rice’ band 就是范曉萱把他簽下來 They earned the contract with Mavis Fan 他們也上了電視 They’re also on TV shows 我記得有一次就 I remember once that 我跟他坐捷運 We took the MRT 可是那時候他就很萎靡 He looked so dispirited 整個眼眶就 The eyes were… 結果整個車廂好多人就指著他 As a result, many people pointed at him 就認出他這樣 And recognized him 正常九點開始演 We perform at 9 p.m. normally 那九點開始演你可能可能可能 To prepare the performance starting at 9 p.m., 七點八點開始架設 We probably start setting up at 7~8 p.m. 然後架設完演演演到十二點結束之後 The performance usually lasts till midnight 回去之後就兩,三點啦 By the time I’m back home, it’s already 2~3 a.m. 兩三點之後你可能在練一下琴 I probably do some practice after that 或是跟朋友再套一下團或跟團員幹嘛之類的 Or have some leisure time with my teammates and so on 太陽出來啦 Here comes the sunrise 太陽出來睡覺我要上班啦 I’m going to work while the sun comes up 開工啦 Starting 嗨各位小朋友 Hi, everyone~ 今天我很想睡覺 I really want to sleep today 那個時間我就面臨到一個抉擇就是 At that time, the challenge I face was that 我要不要辭職阿 Whether if I should resign from my regular job 就專心去玩樂團 To focus on playing band 所以就一直在很多重的矛盾之間徘迴 So I wandered among multiple contradictions 我慢慢很釋懷這種 Gradually I was relieved from my feelings that 你當初也是被人家選擇上的 You were also chosen by others 那現在人家也選擇別人 But now, they choose someone else 然後這是很自然的一件事情 And it is very natural 有了他我才算是踏入一點點業界 Because of ‘Chicken Rice’, I have stepped into the music industry 我覺得是貴人阿 I think that they are my benefactor 我非常非常的感謝他們 I really appreciate that they gave me a chance 不甘心的 I was not reconciled with 人生的事情 The things of my life 我覺得那不是我想要的生活 I thought that it isn’t the life I want 所以我才慢慢從那個圈子走出來 So I gradually moved out from that place 就是我覺得學校這邊 I think that it is a very happy thing for me 跟小朋友相處真的滿開心的 To be with the children at school 敬禮 Bow 謝謝老師 Thank you, teacher 這個音在這裡 The note is here Do~ Do~ 所以你可能按到其他的音 You probably press the wrong note 襲胸 Groping hands 牧哥的綽號 The nickname of MoonDog 牧哥阿 Is MoonDog! 除了牧哥之外我們好像沒叫過其他名字 We probably never call him other names except MoonDog 有時候會說木工師傅 Sometimes, we called him ‘Carpenter’ 離開雞腿飯後我有一段時間一直在找團 After leaving ‘Chicken Rice’, I had been looking for others band 然後我一直找不到適合的團 I couldn’t find the suitable band for me 我很苦惱 I was distressed at that time 那個有時候是不好相處理念不同 Sometimes is that we’re not in the same frequency 那有的時候是喜歡的音樂風格不一樣 Sometimes is that we liked different music styles 可是我現在遇到這個樂團 However, I am with Mr. Why now 竟然大家 Everyone here 每一個人都跟家人一樣 They’re all like my families 太神奇了 It’s amazing 這邊我得到能量 I get energies here 我在學校得到能量 I get energies at school 去外面又學到新的東西 I learn new things outside school 再帶回來學校 And bring them back to school 我覺得我可以變成一個滿好的正循環 I think that it can become a good circulation 我覺得這是運氣非常非常好的事情 And that this is one of the luckiest things in the world 我從大學時候就很喜歡去海邊啦 I like to go to the beach since I was in college 我大學時候會常常自己一個人騎車去海邊 At that time, I always rode my motorcycle to the beach alone 在七星潭 At Qixingtan 那一躺就是一個下午 I would lie down on the beach all afternoon 他開心的笑聲 Their shiny smiles 我看到學生的眼睛是亮的 I see that my students’ eyes are shining brightly 那就值得 It is worthy