"馬偕日記/1871摘錄" 修訂間的差異

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於 2021年10月30日 (六) 09:22 的修訂


Arose early and after breakfast went out into the city for a short walk: Enjoyed it very much, for the morning was lovely and every-thing seemed so charming. Returned to "American Exchange" and packed my baggage. At 10 A.M. went on board the S.S. "America". Went into my berth-room and turned over to Psalm 46. Then asked God to guide and keep me all the way. A Mr. Gunn with whom I stayed a few days called on me, so too Mr. Condit and Mr. Loomis- The signal being given, guns fired, our Ship Slowly moved out to sea. There were many 'good"byes', waving of handkerchiefs etc. but I remained below, for from that large crowd ashore, not one familiar face was to be seen, not one turning his eyes on this poor self. A continent lay between me and my native land. Why sh'd I go on deck? Rather shut my door, and now O God my only hope and strength keep me, and bring me safely to China.



Sea-sick. Still read part of Baxter's《Saints rest》 and several Psalms . Keep me Lord near to Thee. Comfort this poor heart. Increase my faith.



Lovely rainbow, then down came the rain in torrents. Read Mr. Williams《years in China》

212哩 美麗的彩虹,然後大雨傾盆而下。閱讀威廉氏所著的「years in China」


Some White-tops on the great wide sea which seemed like blue ink. Ship kept ploughing heavy swells and made me so miserable ready to vomit anytime- not very good for collecting one's thoughts.

北緯33度04分,西經133度50分 在廣大的如墨水般深藍色海上有些白浪出現,船在大浪間浮沈,這使得我陷入悲慘的景況,隨時將肚子的東西吐出來。這種情況無法集中精神來整理思緒。


Lovely morning, felt in good Spirits. at. 10.30 A.M. preached on the "Resurrection of Christ " Mt 28.6. Never felt words come with such ease - The remainder of the day Spent in reading Baxter's 'Saints Rest'.

北緯31分53秒,西經138度3分 可愛的早晨,覺得精神很好。 十點30分以馬太福音28章6節「耶穌基督的復活」為題講道。從來沒有感覺話語如此輕鬆的流洩而出。今天其他的時間繼續閱讀巴克司特的「安息的聖徒」