
出自 淡水維基館
於 2021年10月30日 (六) 11:19 由 台灣阿成 (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂

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Slept all night in Ritchie's house and early arose took some rice and started to hunt up Ritchie. A Chinaman went with me. We passed through a beautiful section of country. Areca Palm and bamboo groves on every hand. Peanut and sugarcane also in abundance



By making an early start we came into A-kau at 11 A.M and by pushing on entered Pi-thau, 24 miles distant at dark. There put up for the night in the chapel.



Pressed on very early and at 10 A.M we were at Takao in Mr. R's house. At 3 P.M after hours of pleading decided to make some part of Formosa my field of labor. The burden not all together laid down; but O God I thank thee, so far it is quite a relief.

我們加緊趕路,在10點到達打狗李庥牧師的家中。 在下午3點經過數個小時的懇求之後決定以台灣的某些地方作為我服事的工場。 心裡的重擔尚未完全的放下,噢!但是上帝我感謝你,至少目前這算是一種解脫。我的意向馬上轉向北台灣。現在我懇求上帝的引導。


Mr. R. and myself went off in the morning to Pi-thau. about 80 assembled. at 1 P.M. all met for prayer. afternoon service again. chapel full. I spoke about Canada. Mr. R. interpreted. In eve. only a dozen present, about 20,000 in the city--

中文譯本 李庥先生和我離開前往埤頭。大約80人出席,下午一點所有的人出席禱告會。下午再次聚會,我介紹加拿大,李庥先生翻譯。 傍晚只有12人出席。 這個市鎮的居民約有20000人。


Began some Chinese at 6 A.M. learned the 'tones'. This day O Lord I need to consecrate myself to thee. This language between me and the people-I'll die or remove it, so help me God.

早上6點開始學中文,學習音調。 噢!上帝,如今我需要專注在你的身上,而這個語言橫貫在我和住民的中間。我要拼命將阻隔移開。所以,請主幫助我。


6 A.M. Read with Mr. R's Teacher. rather a fine fellow. Went out with him by the sea side on the sand-- saw fishermen putting down their nets, then hauling the two ends until the fish ( if any ) were pulled ashore. Fishermen had Kata marans i.e. large bam

早上6點向李庥先生的老師學習,他是一個相當好的同伴。 和他一起前往海邊的沙灘,見到漁民放像漁網,然後拉著漁網的兩端將之拖上按直到魚貨上按(如果有的話)為止。 漁民有Kata marans L.E.(竹筏?) 以大的竹管用繩索捆緊,用以乘浪。


At 9. A.M. attended Chinese service in the chapel. 11 A.M I preached in English in R's house. 2 P.M. Chinese service again--



Left with R. went to Tang-kang, halted a few moments and made for Tek-a-kha late when we arrived. 60 at worship. Small place with PiN-po-hoan and Chinese not far away-- Beautiful bamboos.



Chinese New Year's day. Children and old folks all dressed better and cleaner. General rejoicing. Every one Seems so happy. After Seeing all Sat right down to Study. On and on we must go into this Giberalter--!

漢人的新年,老少都穿得比較好比較乾淨一點,充滿歡愉,看起來每一個人都很快樂。 在檢視我所學習過的之後,一步一步我必須進入要塞(直布羅陀)





At 11 A.M. Sailed up the channel. Horrible weather, sea rough and foaming. Seasick as dogs. Formosa channel heaving and pitching our poor 'Hai-loong'like a bricket, and She indeed acted like a 'Sea Serpent'. Saw Formosa hills, then lost the sight of them.

早上11點由台灣海峽北上。恐怖的天氣,海洋狂暴浪花洶湧。暈船的像隻狗。台灣海峽猛烈的拋擲可憐的海龍號,但是他的行動就像海蛇一般。 見到台灣的山脈,但是很快的就又消失不見。


About 3 P.M. entered the Tamsui harbor and dropped anchor. Greatly taken with the place. At once my mind made up. This is the very field waiting for me. No other laborer ever before me. O blessed Lord I rejoice till feeling like clapping my hands in Joy.

下午三點,船入淡水港並且拋錨。 受到這裡深深的感動。我的心裡馬上知曉,這就是一直在等待我的所在,在我之前沒有人在此地服事。 噢!值得讚美的上帝阿!我的心裡歡愉直到感覺真想高興的拍手。 美麗的淡水我的心裡實在感動。 一位道約翰先生非常善意的借給我們他所能提?


Arose early, packed up and crossed the harbor in a small boat--, then proceeded along a level stretch of land lying between the base of the mountain and the sea. About 10 A.M. we came to the end of that and ascended a table-land. Farmhouses Scattered all



Last night we were put into dark rooms with Pigs near us and fleas all around us-- Tiong -lek seemed a very quiet town with one long Street and mud houses on each side. Pop. about - another early Start and we were soon on another upland with hundreds of c

昨晚我們在一間黑暗的房間過夜,房中豬隻就在附近,而跳蚤在我們的四週。 中壢看起來是個安靜的小鎮,鎮中只有一條道路,沿著道路的兩邊泥屋(土角厝)聚集著。我們清出發,很快的就來到另一個高地,那裡有數百隻的牛隻在那裡吃草。中午我們來到台地邊緣(稱為桌山300呎高)


Again Dickson and myself bolted off barefooted with our trowser legs above our knees. Dear R. on account of fever had to take a chair. At 3 P.M. we were at Tai-kah, a dirty town with wall 10 feet high. We called a halt and poor R. had to go to bed. We bot



Walked to another village about an hours walk away. Twenty savages came in the eve. they were called sui-hoan. because their home was on the bank of a lake not far away. They had buckskin thrown over their shoulders, bows and arrow in their hands and wrea

行走到另一個村落大約一小時的步行距離。 傍晚的時候有20個原住民來,他們被稱為「水番」因為他們的屋子就建在距離不遠的湖岸邊。他們肩上披著雄鹿皮,弓和箭拿在手上,花圈圍在他們頭上。 真是奇怪啊!但這並沒有讓我感到多詫異,因為我習於見到北美的印地安人。但是我的?