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How do I enable uploading?
How do I enable uploading?
File uploads are an often-used feature of MediaWiki, but are disabled by default in all current release versions. To enable them, first make the upload directory (default images) writable by the web server (chmod -R 777 ./images or allow the Apache user to write to it, etc.) then set $wgEnableUploads to true in LocalSettings.php (i.e. "$wgEnableUploads = true;"). If you get a "failed to mkdir" error when you try to upload, it probably means that there's a permissions problem.
File uploads are an often-used feature of MediaWiki, but are disabled by default in all current release versions. To enable them, first make the upload directory (default images) writable by the web server (chmod -R 777 ./images or allow the Apache user to write to it, etc.) then set $wgEnableUploads to true in LocalSettings.php (i.e. "$wgEnableUploads = true;"). If you get a "failed to mkdir" error when you try to upload, it probably means that there's a permissions problem.
See also: Manual:Configuring file uploads
See also: Manual:Configuring file uploads
(From: [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ mediawiki FAQ] ) 這網站請善用!
**因為Appserv只能安裝.19版,後來重試了好幾次wamp,不過它常會自己關機QQ 也很容易遺失密碼。
==2015 104下學期==
*09.21 部分年代、頁面補充

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