• 目前所在分類:主分類 > 淡水 > 景點 > 古蹟
- 影片描述:建築印象#016淡水小白宮
- 影片來源:YouTube
Tamsui Customs Officer's Residence was located at 15, Zhenli St., Tamsui Dist. After the 1858 Treaties of Tientsin, more Qing’s ports would be opened for foreign trade, including Tamsui. As a result, Tamshui customs office was established. In 1862 a residence was built to accommodate the customs officer, secretaries and other officers.
Due to its ash white appearance, this beautiful colonial-style building was nicknamed “Little White House” in Chinese. It overlooks the Tamsui River and faces Guanyin Mountain across the river. This residence and the nearby Presbyterian Church, Which was Dr. MacKay’s residence, provide examples of distinguished western style architectures in Tamsui.
Photo Gallery
The entrance of Tamsui Customs Officer's Residence
Tamsui Customs Officer's Residence
The interpretative signs of Little White House's historical background
The monument of Tamsui Customs in Little White House
Little White House Brick Wall
The interpretative signs of The wall of Little White House
The wall of Little White House
The boundary of Tamsui Customs Officer's Residence
Little White House Crater Remains
Little White House Crater Remains Commentary Monument
The interpretative signs of Little White House's master bedroom
The interpretative signs of Little White House's study room
The fireplace of Little White House's study room
The interpretative signs of Little White House's banquet room
Map Information
Address:No.15, Zhenli St., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
~Translated by Yu-Ying Wu
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