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行 1: 行 1:
*[[清法戰爭滬尾宴#滬尾剁椒鮮魚|Dish Name: Bass with Chopped Chili]]
*[[清法戰爭滬尾宴#西仔陸戰隊|Ribs with Dijon Mustard ]]
*[[清法戰爭滬尾宴#沼澤皮蛋|Crossing the Swamp]]
*[[清法戰爭滬尾宴#九大人脆酥芋|General’s Crispy Taro]]
*[[清法戰爭滬尾宴#黃槿林投叢林湯|Soup of Mangrove]]
*Ingredient: Crab, Shrimp, Sashimi, Drunken Chicken, Abalone with Black Soybeans  
*Ingredient: Crab, Shrimp, Sashimi, Drunken Chicken, Abalone with Black Soybeans  
行 30: 行 43:
===Xiang Army Fried Rice===
*Ingredient:Chicken, Cranberry, Sesame Seeds, Turmeric, and Rice
*Description:In the Battle of Hobe, the Qing forces consisted mainly of Xiang Army, the Huai Army, and Taiwanese Militia. Together, they united their efforts and successfully repelled the French invasion.
*Design Principle: Three different ingredients to represent the cooperation of three distinct military organizations. General Zuo Zongtang was a key figure in the Xiang Army at the time, although he did not come to Taiwan himself, he strongly support from the central government and provided the Xiang Army with numerous weapons and military support. Therefore, Zuo Zongtang's chicken dish symbolizes the Xiang Army. The Huai Army was known for using the latest weapons, while cranberries were an imported luxury item. Thus, cranberries represent the Huai Army. The Taiwanese soldiers were the smallest in number, but their importance should not be underestimated. Sesame seeds represent the Taiwanese Militia. These three ingredients are combined with turmeric fried rice, creating a unique flavor that highlights the importance of unity
===Ribs with Dijon Mustard ===
Ingredient:Pork Ribs, Bean Sprouts, and Spices
Description:The French troops at the Battle of Hobe, mainly consisted of French Naval Infantry, known as the Marines. After landing at Shalun, the French troops were divided into five companies, total of 600 men. Each company formed orderly lines on the beach, displaying impressive cohesion and determination.
Design Principle:The arrangement of the dish reflect the orderly formation of the troops, with pork ribs representing the troops lined up in rows. The plate is covered with white bean sprouts to represent the Shalun beach. The French troops stand on the beach, presenting a magnificent and formidable presence.
===A-Ho-Dan Pocket Meat===
*Ingredient:Dongpo Pork sandwiched with Pickled Dragon Fruit
*Description:Zhang Li-Cheng, also known as A-Ho-Dan, was one of the militiamen recruited temporarily and served as a commander of the militia. Before the war, Zhang Li-Cheng's main occupation was performing female roles in theatrical troupes. During close combat, A-Ho-Dan troops encircled the French forces, employing a pocket-like strategy, trapping the French in a formation resembling the Chinese character "ㄇ". He made the French soldiers taste bitter defeat. After the war, he was awarded the military merit of the fifth rank.
*Design principle: The design incorporates the concept of a pocket, symbolizing the strategy employed by A-Ho-Dan's forces. Toast is shaped into pockets and filled with meat, creating the imagery of a pocket filled with meat.
===Ba-Ba Softshell Crab===
*Ingredient:Soft Shell Crab, Scallion, Gralic, Chili, and French Toast 
*Description:During the confrontation between the French and Qing forces in the marshland area between the city embankment, the front line stretched for 1.5 kilometers, and both sides engaged in continuous gunfire. Suddenly, the French commander realized that the bullets were depleting too quickly.  He instructed the bugler to signal the troops to conserve ammunition. However, the bugle was unable to make sound, which unable to convey the command. Eventually, the French troops ran out of ammunition, their legs weakened, and had to retreat. The bugler's bugle remained silent, and the French troops were left in a hopeless situation, correspond to a soft-shell crab.
*Design Principle:Use soft shell crab to represent the French army, paired with Tamsui fish chips. The French toast is placed beside them, to be eaten together with the soft shell crab.
行 84: 行 79:
===Hobe Tea Rice===
*Dish Name: Hobe Tea Rice
*Ingredient:Brewed Oolong Tea, and Rice
*Description:In 1884, the main staple food of the residents of Hobe was brewed oolong tea served with either white or brown rice.

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