于右任墓/The Cemetery of YU,YU-JEN

出自 淡水維基館
於 2015年6月30日 (二) 18:07 由 Supau (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂

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Yu-Jen Yu was born in 1878. He is one of the ROC founding members. He was also a journalist, a poet and a calligrapher. In 1930-1948 he served as the President of Control Yuan of ROC. His life accomplishments and his devotion to the country are extraordinary. When he died in 1964, the government arranged and subsized the funeral to pay respect. The cemetery of Yu,Yu-Jen was built in 1964. It is located in Tamsui. The cemetery was beautifully built. In the middle of the tall building is a cylindrical tomb which is divided into three floors. This tall building provides a good view of the mountains and coast lines nearby. The trees in the cemetery offer very much a park-like setting. On April 24, 2012, this cemetery was designated as a historic site by the government.

Photos: File: Yangchih Pavilion in the cemetery of Yu,Yu-Jen.pdf. File Description: Yangchih Pavilion in the cemetery of Yu,Yu-Jen. Shooting date: 2011-12-05 Shooting Location: Yangmingshan Owner: Chou,Tsung-Hsien Photographer: Chou,Tsung-Hsien

File: the front of the cemetery of Yu,Yu-Jen.pdf File Description: the front of the cemetery of Yu,Yu-Jen. Shooting date: 2011-12-05 Shooting Location: Yangmingshan Owner: Chou,Tsung-Hsien Photographer: Chou,Tsung-Hsien ~transloated by Yun-Zhen Zhong