"麟山鼻" 修訂間的差異

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Basepoint- Linshanbi
Basepoint- Linshanbi
  The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over the territorial sea, as well as to the seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. In accordance with the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China promulgated the “First Set of the Baselines and Outer Limits of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China” on 10 February 1999. The baselines of the territorial sea are delimited by straight lines in principle, normal baselines as exception. The baselines which encompass Taiwan Island proper and its appurtenant islands commence from Sandiaojiao in the east, to Pengjiayu in the north, to Huayu of the Penghu Islands in the west, and to Qixingyan in the south, while Diaoyutai Archipelago are also incorporated. The maritime areas falling between the baselines and the outer limits measured from baselines seawards for twelve nautical miles are the territorial sea of this country.
  The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over the territorial sea, as well as to the seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. In accordance with the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China promulgated the “First Set of the Baselines and Outer Limits of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China” on 10 February 1999. The baselines of the territorial sea are delimited by straight lines in principle, normal baselines as exception. The baselines which encompass Taiwan Island proper and its appurtenant islands commence from Sandiaojiao in the east, to Pengjiayu in the north, to Huayu of the Penghu Islands in the west, and to Qixingyan in the south, while Diaoyutai Archipelago are also incorporated. The maritime areas falling between the baselines and the outer limits measured from baselines seawards for twelve nautical miles are the territorial sea of this country.

於 2018年12月2日 (日) 23:34 的修訂

• 目前所在分類:主分類 > 石門











  麟山鼻漁港位於新北市石門區德茂里白沙灣旁,為第二類漁港,主管機關為新北市政府。民國 70 年間因當地漁筏漸多,由新北市政府投資興建,本港以麟山鼻突岬地形為屏障而建於西側灣內,故受東北季風影響不大,港區係利用窪地圍築而成,北及東側有碼頭,南側及西側則為防波堤或拋石堤,港區東側之陸上有上架場、停車場、安檢所及曳船道等設施,泊地目前僅可供小型船舶使用,86 年以後陸續進行港區改善,主要工程包括西、南防波堤的堤面及南防波堤拋石加高、北防波堤堤基修復及曳船道修補等;91 年度為增加內穩靜,於航道口南北兩側拋放消波塊並於碼頭設置停靠設施。


  麟山鼻上的安山岩熔岩經風沙磨蝕,而成為殘丘,被沙丘掩覆。安山岩熔岩質地堅硬緻密,節理發達,風化崩解後各裂面互相截交,強風經年不斷,風挾帶海灘上的細沙不斷地對岩石進行磨蝕,岩面之間的交角變得更為銳利,形成多稜角的岩石。 在這裡堅硬均質的安山岩塊受風沙的長年磨刮,成為佈滿擦痕的岩面和尖銳稜線,也就是所謂的風稜石。


  一種傳統陷阱式捕魚法。早期漁民就地取材,利用安山岩、珊瑚礁石圍成的開口向海,在潮間區域堆砌弧形石牆。漲潮時水淹服石牆,魚蝦隨著海水流入石滬中,帶潮水退去後,留在石滬裡的魚蝦就易於漁民們所獲。 麟山鼻北面海岸石滬仍然存在,但是近海漁源枯竭,石滬已經不容易補到漁獲,所以廢棄不用了。


  中華民國領海基點為中華民國政府所劃定之領海基點,此處所設立的為多個基點之一,臺灣本島中編號T5,名稱為麟山鼻,基線種類是直線基線,於中華民國 98 年 11 月 18 日行政院修正。


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  中華民國主權及於領海、領海之上空、海床及其底土。行政院依「中華民國領海及鄰接區法」於民國 88 年 2 月 10 日公布「中華民國第一批領海基線、領海及鄰接區外界線」,我國領海基線之劃定以直線基線為原則,正常基線為例外。臺灣本島及附屬島嶼之基線範圍北起彭佳嶼,南至七星岩,東起三貂角,西至澎湖花嶼,並包括釣魚台列嶼,自基線起向外 12 浬間之 海域為我國領海範圍。



Basepoint- Linshanbi

  The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over the territorial sea, as well as to the seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. In accordance with the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China promulgated the “First Set of the Baselines and Outer Limits of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China” on 10 February 1999. The baselines of the territorial sea are delimited by straight lines in principle, normal baselines as exception. The baselines which encompass Taiwan Island proper and its appurtenant islands commence from Sandiaojiao in the east, to Pengjiayu in the north, to Huayu of the Penghu Islands in the west, and to Qixingyan in the south, while Diaoyutai Archipelago are also incorporated. The maritime areas falling between the baselines and the outer limits measured from baselines seawards for twelve nautical miles are the territorial sea of this country.

  Linshanbi, located at Shimen Township of Taipei County, is an elongated seaward piece of land, formed by lava flowing downhill and entering the seas during the eruptions of Datun Volcanoes, and is the northern cape of Taiwan Island. It fronts on the Fuguijiao on its eastern side with erosion coast in between and a sandy coast on its western side.It situates at an important juncture of the coastline for that a basepoint of territorial sea is set at an outermost appropriate point on the low-water line at this locality which, in turn, connects with the Pengjiayu Basepoint and the Dajuexi Basepoint, respectively.

Ministry of the Interior


  • 領海基線


  • 直線基線



  • 開放時間:全年無休


  • 地址:25341新北市石門區德茂里下員坑(2號省道23公里處)

  • 大眾交通:
  1. 搭乘「台灣好行-皇冠北海岸線」,於「北觀風景區管理處(白沙灣)」站下車。(起訖點為淡水捷運站、龜吼漁港、野柳地質公園)。
  2. 於淡水捷運站前、基隆火車站旁搭乘兩地對開的淡水或基隆客運,於「白沙灣」站下車。下車後沿「麟山鼻遊憩區」指示牌前往至麟山鼻。
  • 開車前往:
  1. 高速公路國道3號(基金交流道)→2號省道→萬里→金山→石門(2號省道23公里處)。
  2. 高速公路國道1號(五股交流道)→64號快速道路→八里五股(往淡水方向)→關渡大橋→竹圍→紅樹林→2號省道→三芝→石門(2號省道23公里處)。
  3. 臺北→士林→關渡→竹圍→紅樹林→2號省道→三芝→石門(2號省道23公里處)。

