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Basepoint- Linshanbi
Basepoint- Linshanbi
  The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over the territorial sea, as well as to the seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. In accordance with the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China promulgated the “First Set of the Baselines and Outer Limits of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China” on 10 February 1999. The baselines of the territorial sea are delimited by straight lines in principle, normal baselines as exception. The baselines which encompass Taiwan Island proper and its appurtenant islands commence from Sandiaojiao in the east, to Pengjiayu in the north, to Huayu of the Penghu Islands in the west, and to Qixingyan in the south, while Diaoyutai Archipelago are also incorporated. The maritime areas falling between the baselines and the outer limits measured from baselines seawards for twelve nautical miles are the territorial sea of this country.
  The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over the territorial sea, as well as to the seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. In accordance with the Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China promulgated the “First Set of the Baselines and Outer Limits of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China” on 10 February 1999. The baselines of the territorial sea are delimited by straight lines in principle, normal baselines as exception. The baselines which encompass Taiwan Island proper and its appurtenant islands commence from Sandiaojiao in the east, to Pengjiayu in the north, to Huayu of the Penghu Islands in the west, and to Qixingyan in the south, while Diaoyutai Archipelago are also incorporated. The maritime areas falling between the baselines and the outer limits measured from baselines seawards for twelve nautical miles are the territorial sea of this country.

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